What Not to Do Before Filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Chapter 7 bankruptcy provides debtors with a great way to eliminate debt and start over financially. However, there are several actions that debtors should avoid taking before filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The reason for this is that the bankruptcy court will examine a debtor’s past transactions made within a specified period…

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What Not to Do Before Filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Chapter 7 bankruptcy provides debtors with a great way to eliminate debt and start over financially. However, there are several actions that debtors should avoid taking before filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The reason for this is that the bankruptcy court will examine a debtor’s past transactions made within a specified period prior to filing….

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Benefits of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

There are many reasons that people find themselves in difficult financial situations. Whether it’s unemployment, medical issues, deaths in the family, the types of unexpected events that can give rise to financial difficulties are numerous. Fortunately, however, bankruptcy offers those going through financial problems a way to start over. And although some people view it…

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Can Bankruptcy Help My Credit Score?

Although bankruptcy provides relief to people whose finances have gotten out of control, it is not without its downsides. For example, bankruptcy stays on a person’s credit report for several years after filing. In addition, bankruptcy can negatively affect a filer’s credit score. Surprisingly, however, bankruptcy may actually help a filer’s credit score under certain…

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5 Tips for Rebuilding Credit After Bankruptcy

Deciding whether to file for bankruptcy is tough. Although filing for bankruptcy offers many benefits, including the opportunity to repair your financial situation, it also has its downsides. One impact of filing for bankruptcy is that it can lower your credit score. Fortunately, however, it’s possible to rebuild your credit by taking certain actions. In…

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